Rüdiger Brandis

Game Producer & Designer, Historian, POETIC REALIST

Bakugan – The Big Battle

I worked on more than 30+ released HTML-5 games at Flying Sheep, but some games I remember especially. This is one of them!

Bakugan – The Big Battle (OT: Bakugan – Die Große Schlacht) was released in 2020 on the TOGGO webgame platform for mobile and desktop alike alongside a new season of Bakugan. It was developed with custom tools specifically designed to create HTML-5 games for midrange mobile phones and lowend PCs.

This was the second Bakugan game we developed. With the first one we tried to imitate the rules of the physical Bakugan game as best as possible and ended up with a quite complicated game. With The Big Battle we were asked to go in the absolute opposite direction: Make it as simple as possible. We did and had a lot of fun with it.

As a reference we used games like hole.io, where you are a hole and need to swallow up as many buildings as possible to grow. And Gozilla!

You as a player are taking over direct control of one of three Bakugans and have to rid a city of evil forces shooting at you. To get to their headquarters you have to get past their defensive screen by growing bigger and stronger. And how do you do this? Exactly: By destroying buildings and enemy turrets. And this was exactly the challenging part. At the time our tools were not really set up to create a big map with many buildings that could be destroyed or changed in any way, so we had to find an especially resource-savy way of solving this.

Again we had only 2 months to make this game and the focus here was on making the Bakugans look good in 3D in the mobile web browser and giving the game enough juiciness so it simply feels good to stomp through the city.

Judge for yourself 🙂

Play it here!

My roles in this project:

  • Game Design
  • Project Management

Game Engine:

  • Internal


Bakugan02 Bakugan01 Bakugan05 Bakugan04 Bakugan03

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